Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It's a beautiful day in the Umpqua Valley, sun is out, birds are chirping, and I'm happy.  Did my stretches this morning first thing and then headed out  - down the hill, up the hill, down the hill, & up the hill.  Oh my, I must find just a little more level ground.  Today's walk lasted a good twenty minutes.  & I plan to keep it there for a few more days before I increase the route.  I must admit that my legs aren't always happy and I must always allot some recovery time, but I'm amazed at how much endurance I can build.  I'm optimistic I can walk all three miles on April 14 in Portland and I'm also very happy to have a plan B!
Did a little artwork and now am on a cleaning kick - it must be the spring-like weather.  It is also just wonderful to have energy to do things - I had forgotten how that felt!  I'm heading for more cleaning - closet - watch out!!